How we acquire our info

Everything on this site was gathered manually, either by Over600 or via user submissions. This tends to mean that data found on this site is often out of date as ranges open/close, change requirements, membership statuses, or other things. Anytime you see something that is out of date we highly suggest you submit an update to the profile page. Here's basically how the process works manually:

  1. Find/Discover/Submit a new range
  2. Review range details provided (if any) and create a draft profile
  3. Confirm information via the range website if available
  4. Update as much information as possible from the range website, online forums, and the user submitted data.
  5. Push the range from a draft to a live status which will dynamically update the range profile

This can lead to errors due to incorrect information online, submitted, or otherwise. We're always looking for updates to correct the inaccuracies so if you see some and have updated knowledge let us know! We will eventually extend the functionality to bring in new options and ways to correct the information as well.

A big portion of the time outdated information is because most ranges don't maintain their own information or even make it available.